Sunday, January 30, 2011

JFK- 50 Years Later

Fifty years after his inaugural speech and John F. Kennedy remains one of the most influential figures in American history. As we take the time to remember him, we should also be remembering everything he stood for. John F. Kennedy was a man who believed that American citizens should do whatever they could to better our nation.

I found an article written by Brett Zongker from the Detroit Free Press that covers the anniversary of JFK. On Thursday at the Capitol, JFK's administration, civil rights activists, and members of the Peace Corps all gathered to remember and honor John F. Kennedy. The president and vice president were also in attendance. Zongker reports that Obama referred to our country’s citizens as “heirs to this president who showed us what’s possible.” I loved this reference because he is suggesting that we can all learn from JFK and we all can do whatever we set our minds to- no matter how miniscule or large the task at hand may be. In the article from the Detroit Free Press, Zongker also quotes Caroline Kennedy:

"I think he really expanded and redefined our idea of what it means to be a citizen -- that everybody has something to contribute and everybody has something to give back to this country that's given us so much."

I agree with this quote and find it inspirational. Caroline Kennedy believes that everyone can make a change. She is also reminding us why it is so important to give back to our country because of "what it means to be a citizen." This is what JFK strived for Americans to understand- that we all have the ability to make a difference and better our country.

John F. Kennedy was a man who shared courage and hope with our country. We should reflect upon his beliefs, and never stop asking ourselves "what we can do for our country." (JFK)

Friday, January 28, 2011

All About Me :)

My name is Katharine Kilgore (Katie for short) and I am twenty years old. I’ve lived in Bethel, CT for most of my life and graduated Bethel High School in 2008. I live with my parents and two younger brothers. The older of the two is in high school and the younger one is in middle school. I also have a golden retriever.
Although I love living in New England, I could certainly live without winter. I enjoy the first couple of snowfalls, but after that I can’t wait for warm weather. During warmer months I spend a lot of time outdoors at the beach or on boats with friends. I really like autumn too because there’s nothing like fall foliage in Connecticut.  I like fall too because that’s when football season starts!
Ever since I was a little girl football has been a huge part of my life. The New York Giants are my favorite NFL team and I’d have to say I am a very avid fan. I own so many jerseys, clothes, books, and DVD’s. Once football season ends in January, Sundays hardly have the same meaning to me! I like baseball a lot too, but football is definitely my favorite sport!
Traveling is a big hobby of mine. I love to travel and explore new places. Experiencing unknown cultures is something that fascinates me. I’ve been all over the U.S., Caribbean, and Europe, but one day I really want to vacation to Australia and Thailand. Places that are tropical and warm are my favorite destinations to travel to. I also like Europe because of the ancient history it has to offer. There is so much to learn in Europe and it is truly an unforgettable experience. Another hobby of mine (like most females) is shopping. I love shopping- whether it be clothes, furniture, electronics, etc.
I am going to WCSU to major in accounting/finance. I currently work in a tax accounting office in Norwalk, CT.  Since I began working there, I have acquired a ton of tax knowledge that will certainly assist me in the future. I was not always fond of numbers or anything pertaining to math for that matter, but since I began working at the accounting firm I have found that this area really interests me. My ideal job would consist of reporting/writing about accounting and finance matters. I would love to write for CNN or The Wall Street Journal.